The Green Glow


Brothers Ben and Jax spend after-school hours rehearsing with their street dance collective the Fly High Crew, until they see a green beam of light flash out of the sky and are thrown into an out-of-this-world adventure! Aliens have landed and are mind-controlling all the adults: can the Fly High Crew work together as a team and save the day?

ISBN: 9780702306440Author: Banjo, AshleyPublisher: ScholasticPublication Date: 1st April 2021Imprint: ScholasticCover: PaperbackDewey: 823.92 (edition:23)Pages: 331Language: EnglishEdition: Paperback originalReadership: Ages 5-12 / Code: BCategory: Subjects: , , , , , , ,


An action-packed, laugh-out-loud, high-energy story for boys and girls featuring adults taken over by aliens and a brave group of kids who must work together as a team to stop them!

From TV personalities and Diversity street dance superstars, brothers Ashley and Jordan Banjo.

Brothers Trey and Jax spend after-school hours rehearsing with their street dance collective the Fly High Crew, until the evening they see a green beam of light flash out of the sky and are thrown into an out-of-this-world adventure!

Aliens have landed and are mind-controlling all the teachers and adults: can the Fly High Crew work together as a team and save the day?

  • Written in collaboration with Alexandra Sheppard
  • Full of fantastic art by Dionna Gary Bunn
  • For fans of Tom Fletcher and Alesha Dixon.
