Everybody loves beautiful bees and butterflies, but what about kids who like more mucky creatures – the ones that live down in the dirt or eat their own poo? These minibeasts are just as deserving of attention. This beautifully illustrated title will explore the wonderful world of the slithering snails. Snails are amazing, mucky minibeasts. They have a silvery, sticky mucus that they leave behind as they move at their top speed of 45m an hour/1 cm per second, making them one of the slowest creatures on Earth. Their slime means that they can move safely over cut glass or a knife’s edge. Snails can be brown, yellow, red or pink. The world’s smallest snail is less that the size of a grain of sand. Full of facts, the accessible text combined with cute, beautiful artwork results in a stunning non-fiction picture book.
Everybody loves beautiful bees and butterflies, but what about kids who like more mucky creatures – the ones that live down in the dirt or eat their own poo? These minibeasts are just as deserving of attention. This beautifully illustrated title explores the wonderful world of the slithering snails.
Did you know that snails can be brown, yellow, red or pink? Or that their top speed of 45 miles an hour or 1 cm per second, makes them one of the slowest creatures on Earth? Their amazing silvery slime means that they can move safely over sharp objects. Find out more about these amazing mucky minibeasts.
Full of facts, the accessible text combined with cute, beautiful artwork results in a stunning non-fiction picture book.
Ideal for allowing children to learn more about minibeasts, but also for introducing them to habitats and understanding other living creatures.
Look out for the other titles in the series too: Ants, Worms, Centipedes and Millipedes.