Hello, You!


Babies will love looking at the high contrast images in these stylish board books. With die-cut covers and super-bright fluorescent inks on every page, the second in the series of these very first books are guaranteed to capture your little one’s attention.

ISBN: 9781788819893 Author: Hepworth, Amelia Publisher: Little Tiger Press Publication Date: 5th August 2021 Imprint: Little Tiger Press Cover: Other Dewey: 428.1 (edition:23) Pages: 12 unnumbered Language: English Readership: Children - juvenile / Code: J Category: Subject:

Babies will love looking at the high contrast images in these stylish board books. With die-cut covers and super-bright fluorescent inks on every page, the second in the series of these very first books are guaranteed to capture your little one’s attention.
