Goodnight Toucan
It’s party time! Toucan’s having a sleepover for all of his friends, and they’re really excited. Maybe even a little too excited. What can Toucan bring to his sleepover to make it feel special?
A sleepover story about the warmth and power of real friendship.
It’s party time! Toucan’s having a sleepover for all of his friends, and they’re really excited. Maybe even a little too excited. They’re sure it’s going to be the BEST SLEEPOVER EVER. Now Toucan’s worried. His blankets aren’t snuggly enough, and his snacks aren’t yummy enough. Not for the best sleepover ever! What can Toucan bring to his sleepover to make it feel special?
Packed with bright, vibrant illustrations and cute jungle animals, this sweet and funny story is perfect for sharing at bedtime. Joanne Partis captures the excitement and anxieties a child might have before their friends come to stay in a picture book that will sit happily alongside favourites such as Peppa’s First Sleepover, Froggy’s Sleepover and Darcy’s First Sleepover.