You wouldn’t want to be on Shackleton’s polar expedition
This series transports the reader to the grisliest times and places in history. The first-person narrative approach puts the reader in the shoes of some of the most unfortunate people ever to have lived – from pyramid builders to viking explorers, from medieval knights to the crew of the Titanic. This approach encourages readers to get emotionally involved with the story and characters, aiding their understanding of some of the most important periods in history.
Grab your mittens and your snow shovel – it’s time to join Shackleton’s crew on their famous polar expedition!
As a hardened sailor, you’re ready to brace the bitterly cold continent of Antarctica in what will prove to be one of the most gruelling adventures of all time. Encountering sub-zero temperatures, icy winds and a worrying lack of food and water, you’ll soon discover why you really wouldn’t want to join Shackleton’s polar expedition! Follow along to find out how this brave crew managed to survive the disastrous Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Keep a sharp eye out for icebergs, steer clear of scurvy, and try not to freeze to death!
The You Wouldn’t Want to Be series transports reader to some of the grisliest times and places in human history, perfect for engaging reluctant readers. The first-person narrative approach places children directly in the shoes of some of the unluckiest people ever to have lived.
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